Looking For Better Search Engine Ranking Or Help With Social Media Marketing ?
If your looking for help with your social media , before deciding on the one with the best website or the firm that talks the talk , try checking out if they have any classified advertisements ranked or Facebook fanpages , if not ask yourself "what kind of social media consultant are they that cant even rank their own youtube video or fanpage . How can they proclaim to be such experts if their google places listing isnt ranked ? or they arent showing at the very minimum on the first page listings on google maps . Before you shell out a single penny on these services , before you read their fancy email , think , can they actually do the job you want them to do ?
One such Social Media Consultant , from Birmingham , Steve , has his classified ads , fanpages and individual site pages ranking for different terms , not just to generate traffic but as proof of his expertise and knowledge .
So , if your looking for a Social Media Consultant , do a little homework first , and dont rely on them telling you how fantastic they are for £20 or £30 per hour , ask them where you can find examples of the work they claim to be able to offer to you , the customer . Many will tell you that they can`t reveal customers details or keywords but any Social Media Consultant worth his or her salt will have ranked their own website on page one , if not move on and find someone who can .