You would probably be amazed to discover how many people start internet businesses that they really don’t care about. Many of them fell for the hype – the make-a-million promises that network marketing companies made famous. As you will read later, networking marketing is a legitimate marketing strategy, so this is not a jab at it. The point that is being made concerns doing something you care deeply about. Actually, you need to have a passion for your product and your business. . If you don’t really believe in your product or your business then you are going to send that vibration to others. They will pick up on the negative attitude, the lack of commitment and the lack of enthusiasm and return the same.
What you need to do is trust yourself to succeed. That doesn’t mean you have to throw your current business out the window and start over again. But it does mean you need to find a way to fulfill your passions. In the case of the woman trying to sell nutritional products, she changed course. Instead of selling products she had no passion for she started a freelance writing business because writing is her passion. But she also started a motivational blog and pointed out the benefits of the nutritional products and attracted new customers without being forced to do cold call selling.There is an old expression that says, “What man can conceive, he can achieve.” Now there is a positive statement! Conceive your passion in life and then achieve your goals. If you tell yourself that you cannot do what you really want to do then you won’t. There will always be a reason to procrastinate and continue doing what you don’t love to do.
A single fresh idea can lead to momentous results. It’s true! A single idea that is backed by the passion just discussed is an opportunity that should not be missed. In Law of Attraction marketing a vision is a magnet for the resources needed to succeed. People recognize others who have a vision and have nothing but admiration for them. People with a clear vision are leaders in society. They are the movers and shakers, and they are always excited about what can be and not only what has happened in the past.
When promoting your internet business, you have to successfully project that vision to attract customers.People want to associate with winners and leaders. If you are able to convey your vision in your marketing efforts, people will be attracted to your business and you. So how do you accomplish this? •Present a well-designed website that leaves no confusion in viewer minds as to the purpose of the business
•Add a personal touch to the marketing campaign to develop customers relationships rather than simply product buyers
•Give customers plenty of opportunity through feedback tools to establish 2-way communication with you
•Keep your website or marketing materials forward looking
•Always be professional and honest in your statements while expressing enthusiasm
The Law of Attraction marketing focuses on feelings,emotions and attracting positive customer reactions. One of the best ways to attract customers to your business is through branding. In fact, when you understand what branding is all about it’s possible to think that branding was developed from the Law of Attraction! What’s branding?Think Disney! Think FedEx! Think !
A brand is an image and that image helps to differentiate your business or even you personally in the marketplace.You can have a positive or a negative image.What’s a negative brand? Well think Wall Street in the middle of the recession or Lehman Brothers. A poor brand image is one that crates a negative reaction when people think about a business or business activity. You might be thinking that you are just one lone marketer trying to make a living. But even a sole proprietor or home based entrepreneur wants to create a strong positive brand to attract positive responses. Brands evoke emotional responses and mental images. They make people feel something about what’s behind the brand. People trust a brand they become familiar with.
What’s behind a strong positive brand ?
•Excellent customer service
•Quality products or services
•Skills that make you unique among a crowd of retailers or service providers
•Experiences that make it possible to relate to customers on their level
•Honesty and truthfulness
•Name repetition and exposure
The last category is where so many internet businesses destroy their brand image. The make-a-million-in-a-month crowd is not being honest. Customers who fall for the hype and end up with broken promises and disappointment to show for their money forever more have bad memories they will
call up when the business name or huckster is mentioned.Law of Attraction marketing dictates that you create a truly authentic brand that is consistent when used in any marketing material. With a positive brand image you know that customers reading your copy or listening to what you have to say are receptive and willing to accept information from you from a vantage point of trust.Think about how much easier it is to sell to someone who trusts you than it is to sell to someone doubting your veracity. A positive brand reflects a positive self-image and authenticity. Remember that the Law of Attraction says that positive thoughts create a positive reality. Recognize this knitted image? What do you think when you see it? Do you think reliable personal computer? Stunning graphics?Reliable customer service?Trend setting products? If you don’t have a positive image then ask yourself, why? Was it due to a faulty product you had trouble exchanging? A rude customer service representative?
There are multiple tools you can use to brand yourself even when a one-person business.
•Use words that reflect your passion for what you sell or do
•Include personal information relative to your business in your marketing material such as your passion for good health or technology; an explanation of your special skills and expertise; or a description of why customer service is so important to you
•Be authentic and don’t try to be Billy Mays when you are really low key like Bill Gates of Microsoft fame; people are attracted to those who are comfortable in their own skin
•Elaborate on how your particular talents, skills and creativity can bring value to a customer’s life
•Maintain brand consistency whether you are printing flyers, posting a blog or developing a website
A common mistake that people is failing to issue a clear call to action on marketing material. This is once again true for both online and offline marketing material. When you have managed to attract the attention of customers the next step is to get them to act. In other words, you want to encourage the customers you attract to click, buy, phone, send or visit. Of course, “buy” is the cream of the crop among actions.
Now you can have a link on a website that promotes a product, makes it easy for customers to navigate and makes it possible to sell something to a customer. Click this! and follow me.
A call to action is really you pretending to be the Pied Piper. Do you remember that story? The piper would play his flute and people would line up behind him to follow him wherever he went. The Pied Piper had the Law of Attraction down pat. Make upbeat beautiful music and make it easy for people to follow you, and that is exactly what they will do.
Think of your calls to action as Pied Piper impersonators.Convince someone to click or listen or attend or visit or send and you can lead them right to your products and services. Now you know that there are official rules about calls to action. These rules reflect information gathered by psychologists, social scientists and marketing experts who study consumer behavior. The Law of Attraction says you must focus on what you want to achieve and it will come to you. The Law of Attraction marketing strategy says your calls to action must be focused in order to convince customers to